
วันจันทร์ที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Business Proposal: 9 Formatting Tips for Business Proposals

First impressions count, right? If you've spent weeks working on a Business Proposal, it's easy to get lost in the details and overlook the presentation. Here are nine ways to make sure your next Business Proposal looks more professional and creates the right impression on the funding agency.Binding - Do not bind the proposals if the funding agency requests that the proposals be submitted unbound or sent electronically. When binding, make sure the proposal can lay flat when it's opened and does not fall asunder easily. You don't want reviewers searching for pages on the floor. Also, make sure left-hand margins are wide enough to accommodate binding and punch-holes.
Bold - Use bold, italics and underlining to identify key parts of the document. Again, use common sense and avoid using too many fonts.
Color - Use color, shading, and images to improve the proposal's readability. However, avoid going overboard as you may distract the reader. Be sure color, shading, and graphics print well and don't get clash when photocopied.
Heading - Use headings as highlighted by the application, but add your own subheadings to improve readability and make the document flow more smoothly.
Margins - Leave right-hand margins unjustified as uneven right-hand line breaks and unjustified spacing are easier to read. Only use justified right margins for columns or when required.
Quality Paper - Give your document a nice touch by using paper that's slightly heavier, whiter, and better quality than ordinary photocopy machine paper. This gives your proposal 'weight' without going over the top. A business document printed on very expensive paper may raise the reader's expectations or send out the wrong message.
Readability - You can improve readability by citing quotations parenthetically instead of using footnotes, endnotes or references.
Spacing - Use Single Space unless the funding agency instructs otherwise, for example, double spacing.
White Space - Be generous with "white space" in your proposal as it's helps break up large chucks of text makes it easier to locate information. [EXTRACT] First impressions count, right? If you've spent weeks working on a business proposal, it is easy to get lost in the details and view the presentation. Here are nine ways to ensure your next business proposal looks more professional and make a good impression on the agency.Binding funding - not force proposals, whether applications for funding of the agency that the proposals will be submitted unbound or electronically. When you join, make sure that the proposal can lay flat when opened and it falls apart easily. You do not want reviewers to find pages on the floor. Also, make sure that the left margins are wide enough to accommodate binding and holes. Bold - Use bold, italic and underlined to identify key parts of the document. Again, use common sense and avoid using too many fonts. Color - color use, shading, and images to improve the readability of the proposal. However, avoid going overboard, as it may distract the reader. Being of color, shading, and print graphics as well and do not crash when photocopied. Title - Use headings as outlined in the application, plus add your own subtitles to improve readability and make the document flow more easily. Margins - Let the right hand margin unjustified unequal right and line breaks are unwarranted space and easier to read. Only fair use right margins for columns or when required. Paper Quality - Give your document a nice touch by the use of paper that is a little heavier, whiter, and better quality plain paper copier. This gives "weight" of its proposal without going over. A presentation document printed on expensive paper can increase the reader's expectations, or send the wrong message. Readability - You can improve readability, citing quotations in parentheses, instead of using footnotes, footnotes or references. Spacing - Space for personal use unless the funding agency noted, for example, double-spaced. Blank - Be generous with the "white space" in its proposal, as it helps to break plates large text makes it easier to locate information.

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